Android Developers Lab 2012 Melbourne

Pork n Bunny attended Android Developer Lab Melbourne 2012
Yesterday Eric and I went to Melbourne’s Android Developer Lab at Telstra. A lot of enthusiastic developers attended although ourselves were very sleepy. This was my first ADL experience and Eric’s second (click here to read about Eric’s visit to London ADL). I decided to attend this time because I wanted to learn about the new Android Design and how I could improve user experience. My first impression was, “wow, this is like University all over again but this time I wanted to attend class!” It was from 9-to-5 non-stop information absorption, it was good to see a few familiar faces from the SAPI Hackathon and Android Australia User Group.
The first presentation talked about the Fundamentals, Style and Pattern of the Android Design. To be honest, this part I thought I could actually skip because everything they had mention is pretty much from the website (Android Design). The rest of the presentation was about Connections, Communication, Security and Hacks. It was good to see demonstration of how Android Beam and Wifi Direct. Although the Wifi Direct demo didn’t really work, Android Beam is pretty cool. It’s instant sharing of content by two phones tapping each other and taadaa! Also, Google have made an official Android Developers page so follow that if you’re interested. You can ask them all sorts of questions there and they have regular hang outs too!
After a few breaks and all the presentations we got to do some coding. Basically it’s a sequel to the London ADL that Eric did a few months ago. Back then was the ‘HoneyPad’ this time we’re doing the ‘ICSpad’ (ICS for Ice Cream Sandwich). Then at the end there was questions time which lasted almost an hour! So many questions..
And then we ended the day by having Shanghai Dumplings…